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What is 100x coin?

As an auto-liquidity and auto-deflationary token, 100X’s supply is always changing, but the estimated market cap at this price is $7.6 million. What Is 100x Coin? 100X is one of the many crypto projects betting on social media momentum and a meme’s power to achieve extreme popularity.

What is bitcoin X100?

The Bitcoin x100 asset is offered in addition to the standard Bitcoin CFD. You can trade with only one leverage setting and it is 1:100. As mentioned earlier, the asset expires every day at a specific time. It usually has a lot narrower spread than the standard Bitcoin instrument of IQ Option.

How much is a $100 bitcoin investment worth?

If you had invested $100 in bitcoin in 2018, your investment would be worth approximately $800 today. While the exact amount would depend on when exactly you made your investment and the current market conditions, this illustrates the tremendous potential of investing in bitcoin.

How much bitcoin can you buy with 100x leverage?

The higher leverage you use, the lower you need to spend on the position. Assume that the current price of Bitcoin is $8K, but you have $80 only. So, you can just by 0.01 BTC with it. However, if you open the position with 100X leverage, you can trade for as much as 1 BTC.

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